Do you wish to increase your willpower?
The word willpower is often associated with bodybuilding, quitting smoking, losing weight, or doing anything that requires inner strength and courage.
Willpower is an important skill, which is essential in all walks of life, such as in sports, achieving goals, self improvement and in meditation.
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It is said that the imagination is stronger than willpower. If you image over and again acting and behaving in a certain way, eventually, what you imagine will affect your subconscious mind, and your subconscious mind will turn it into a habit.
This is true, but when you possess willpower, you can tell your mind what to think and what to imagine, and not the other way around. With willpower, you can control and direct your imagination in any direction you want, and not allow it to run wherever it wills.
Without willpower, you just let passing thoughts and whims dictate to you what to think about and what to do. When you build willpower, you gain the ability to control your imagination.
How can you succeed if you keep changing goals or changing your mind? Willpower helps you focus your mind on the goal and hold it there without being sidetracked.
How to Improve Willpower
How to increase your willpower? How to make it available when you need it?
You can increase your willpower by training and developing it through special, simple exercises.
In addition to the exercises you can find in the above-mentioned articles, you will find below simple tips to help you improve your willpower.
Tips and Strategies for Building Your Willpower
1. Whatever you do, do a little more
- Read one more page before you close your book.
- Wash one extra plate when you wash dishes.
- Walk another two minutes when doing your daily walk.
These are just a few examples. With a little thinking you can find many more opportunities for following this tip.
2. Respect your decisions
When you decide to do something, do it now.
Don’t procrastinate or change your mind.
Carrying out your decisions, despite laziness or difficulties forges the steel of your willpower.
3. Do things differently
Don’t be a slave to your habits.
Do differently things that you always do in the same way. Seek more creative ways to do things in your everyday life.
This of course, requires that you leave your comfort zone, and it therefore, might not be a convenient thing to do. Leaving your comfort zone and doing inconvenient things strengthen your willpower.
4. Be committed
Whatever you start doing, persevere until you arrive to the finish line. This relates to everything, career, relationships, diet or self improvement.
Be committed to accomplish whatever you set out to do. Avoid giving up.
5. Make laziness your trigger to doing things
Regard laziness as an opportunity for building willpower. Act, in spite of laziness, and you will increase your willpower. Don’t let laziness hold you down.
Willpower Means Inner Strength
6. What you can do once, you can do always
If you can avoid a bad habit once, in time, you will be able to overcome it completely.
If you can finish a difficult task, you will be able to do so again, even more easily.
What you do once, with persistence, you can do again.
7. Start over and again, despite failure
Building your willpower is not achieved in a day. You need time to overcome the habits and mindset of many years. No matter how many times you fail, try again.
8 . Seek supportive friends
Seek to be in the company people who are positive and motivating. Avoid being in the company of people who discourage or belittle you.
Seek positive people as friends.
9. Don’t quit
Remember, failure is not the sign to quit, but the sign to begin again.
Strong people with strong willpower are not dismayed by failure. They start again, with even more desire and ambition.
It is so easy to give up when experiencing failure. It requires no effort, but doing so tells your subconscious that you are a quitter. If you quit easily you develop the habit of quitting.
All successful people faced difficulties, obstacles and failure, but they continued with their efforts, despite failure. This helped them display more inner strength and taught them to persevere.
Quotes About Willpower
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
– Thomas Edison
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
– Thomas Edison
“Willpower is the basis of perseverance.”
– Napoleon Hill
Related Article:
Willpower and Self Discipline Guidance and Exercises.
If you wish to know more about this topic and learn to strengthen your willpower, consider reading the book Strengthen Your Willpower and Self Discipline.
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