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Are You Repeating Negative Affirmations?

Positive Affirmations Can Change Your Life

Are you repeating negative affirmations?

It’s possible that you are repeating negative affirmations, but you are not aware of what you are doing.

What Are Negative Affirmations

You might be familiar with positive affirmations, but what are negative affirmations?

These are words and sentences that you keep saying to yourself and to other, about problems, limitations and obstacles. They are negative beliefs that hinder you.

If you keep telling yourself that you will fail, that life is difficult, or that you cannot find love, you are repeating negative affirmations.

Positive affirmations, on the other hand, are positive thoughts and words about success, positivity and improvement. They inspire, motivate and trigger the subconscious mind to help you achieve your wishes.

Negative affirmations are negative statements and words.

A great number of people think negatively, have low self-esteem and expect problems, difficulties or bad things to happen to them.

They often think about their problems, tell themselves how difficult life is, and that they do not have money or that nobody loves them.

This is negative self talk. In this way, they recreate their negative reality, instead of changing it with the help of positive affirmations.

Here are a few examples of negative affirmations:

  • “I will never get a good job.”
  • “It is so tough to find love.”
  • “I am always so tired.”
  • “It’s difficult learn a new language.”
  • “I don’t have enough money.”
  • “I cannot control my anger.”
  • “There are always problems.”

These negative statements make you feel bad, miserable and unhappy, and do not allow you to change your thoughts, change your viewpoint and change your life.

If you allow yourself to feel miserable, and repeat in your mind how miserable you are, you are making the problems and the misery bigger and invite them into your life. You teach your mind to expect problems and difficulties and to look for them.

What Are Positive Affirmations?

These are positive, inspiring and encouraging words about something that you want to happen, get, or achieve.

They are positive statements aimed to improve your life and create positive mental attitude.

Here are a few examples of positive affirmations:

  • “I can get this job.”
  • “I am going to get good grades at school.”
  • “There love in my life.”
  • “I can shape my body and look good.”
  • “I am earning a lot of money.”

Positive Affirmations Can Help in Many Situations

What can Positive affirmations do?

  1. Positive affirmations can encourage you when facing a problem.
  2. They can motivate you when you lack enough motivation.
  3. They inspire you when you need inspiration.
  4. Affirmations can give you hope and inner strength in time of need.
  5. They help you build new, good habits.
  6. These words can help you fix your attention on your goals.
  7. They can even attract to you the things you want.
  8. Repeating them improve your emotional and mental health.
  9. They help you with weight loss.

Do you see now why you should prefer positive over negative affirmations?

If you refuse to wallow in self-pity and bad feelings, and instead, repeat positive affirmations about how you want your life to be and how skilled or talented you are, things will start to change for the better.

Repeating positive affirmations is a very simple process, but you need a certain positive attitude for them to work. You should not allow your negative thoughts to win.

Repeating affirmations is not just a matter of repeating certain words. There are simple rules, which when followed, can create favorable results.

List of Present Tense Positive Affirmations

  • Everything is improving in my life.
  • I am attracting the right man for me.
  • I am attracting the right woman for me.
  • There are love and happiness in my life.
  • I have found a great job that I love.
  • I am getting good grades in my examination.
  • There lot of money in my account, allowing me to live a comfortable life.
  • I am living in the house of my dreams.
  • I have the money and time to travel.
  • The Universe is taking good care of me.
  • I have reached my perfect weight.
  • I am happy, healthy and satisfied with my life.

In my book, Affirmations Words with Power, I have explained in detail how, when, and in what way to repeat affirmations.

In this book, I have also included a great number of positive affirmations for almost every purpose and goal.

It is a simple, easy to follow guide, with all the information you need to overcome negativity and produce positive changes in your life.

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