With the increase of interest in e-commerce, more and more students decide to study business.
Business as a discipline, gives a lot of opportunities after graduation. You can work in large corporations being responsible for different branches. Or you can run your own business and become independent and lucrative.
It is all up to you. But before launching startups and applying for jobs, you have to graduate first. And to do that, you need to study hard and enlarge your area of expertise.
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Essays are an essential part of academic life. Studying business, you are to compose hundreds of essays, case studies, and research papers. The article will discuss the most effective strategy to write an essay on a business topic.
Effective Strategy to Write an Essay
Know Your Prompt
Business topics are usually challenging and tricky. Professors give such complicated prompts to develop students’ writing and critical thinking abilities. Every question will require you to undertake a rigorous examination of the topic.
You need to find out what you have to do beforehand, as several strategies require different approaches to the essay.
You can build your essay based on analysis, comparison, contrast, critique, definition, discussion, evaluation, description, illustration, and summary. Once you know what you have to do, you are ready to take the next step.
Research the Topic
Depending on the topic, you may have to spend more or less time researching it. Expert online essay writers from a top-notch academic writing service state that you should not neglect it.
If you have to spend an hour to find a sufficient number of sources to use within your essay, please do that.
Remember that regardless of the paper’s volume, you are obliged to insert one credible source per double-spaced page. That is, if you have to write an extensive, 5-page essay, you must have at least 5 references.
You can look for them at credible web pages with domains .edu or .gov. Such pages may be Google Scholar, Academia.edu, JSTOR, financial institutions, and alike.
Outline Your Ideas
The more extensive the paper is, the harder it will be to complete. To keep track of the ideas, note them down before writing the essay. We would recommend you to compose an outline and stick to it.
A layout is a great way to make the essay coherent and accurate. If you are not asked to write an outline, you can make it in whatever form. Ensure making it clear to you, though.
Follow the Structure
The introduction, the main part, and the conclusion is the typical structure of every essay. In case you don’t write a thesis, dissertation, or similar large assignment, you will have the mentioned structure.
The Introduction
It is the first paragraph. The introduction comprises three parts: an opening sentence, also known as a hook, background information, and a thesis statement.
Make sure to start the paper in an excellent way to draw the readers’ attention. Background information helps to introduce the audience to the topic. The last sentence sheds light on the points you will advance within the paper.
Body Part
When writing the central part, remember to write about one point within one section. Each body part starts with a topic sentence and contains textual, visual, or statistical evidence.
Once you add credible data, explain it, and encapsulate the paragraph’s content. End a section with a transition word and proceed to the next paragraph.
The last part usually requires a thesis reiteration and a firm conclusion of the essay’s goal. Remind the readers about the thesis statement, but don’t repeat it word for word. Besides that, emphasize the topic’s importance and explain that your essay contributes to the field.
Plus, remind the readers that it is crucial to keep researching the topic.
Flex Your Brain and Use the Free Writing Technique
Writers and scholars widely use the freewriting technique.
The point is to stay focused during the determined time frame and write the content as quickly as possible. Doing that, you create the illusion of brisk work and motivate your brain to work faster. Other than that, it is a great way to do away with various distractions.
All you need to do is set the timer or simply start writing, paying no attention to anything unrelated to the topic.
You will see that no matter what the question is about, you can write speedily. Do not worry about quality. The first draft is a so-called first draft. Even though you write it quickly, you will have to edit and proofread it several times.
Edit and Proofread
Editing and proofreading can be a real pain in the neck. Students don’t like them because they are time-consuming and sometimes disappointing.
Indeed, when you review your paper and see awkward sentences, you are likely to think, “What have I just written?” But believe it or not, even scholars face the same occasionally.
The truth is, the more times you edit your paper, the higher the chances of getting the highest grade are.
Before editing the document, leave it for an hour. Change your focus and get back to it later. Reread your piece out loud. Underline sentences and words that sound unnatural. To increase the paper’s coherence, erase or rewrite them.
It is great to have someone in proximity who can proofread your piece. Friends, colleagues, or parents might be of assistance. Since they haven’t written the essay and haven’t read it before, they would be able to spot every mistake.
It is always better to correct the errors before submitting it to the teacher; let’s agree to that.
Employ Free Tools
Grammarly is a great app to perfect your writing. Even though we are English native speakers, we tend to commit mistakes without noticing it. Indubitably, we do that unintentionally. But it doesn’t mean we can make them.
Grammarly helps spot and correct errors. It has a free version, which is more than enough for your academic purposes. Moreover, if you use Google Docs for completing assignments, you can benefit from Grammarly, as it is embedded in Docs.
Another great app is Hemingway Editor. It aims to make your readability skyrocket by suggesting you erase passive voice, adverbs, and hard to read words. The app is old and useful, but only a few people know about it. Hemingway Editor is entirely free to use.
Good essays are eloquent essays. An extensive vocabulary is another excellent feature of the paper. Undoubtedly, no one likes reading the same patterns and repetitive words.
If you want to furnish your piece with diverse words, use Thesaurus Dictionary of Synonyms. It is a free app that shows dozens of synonyms and antonyms. A little remark, though: remember that professional terms are fixed. Under no circumstances should you replace them with synonyms.
Remember to Cite
Correct citing is one of the most critical attributes of a successful essay. First and foremost, you have to know about the formatting style before writing the paper. Although there are several citation styles, academic institutions may require to follow exact ones.
With regard to business, you can use the Harvard or MLA formatting styles. However, it would be best to ask your teacher beforehand.