Are you the boss of your mind, or the mind is your boss?
- Can you always decide what to think about?
- Do thoughts always move through your mind with no control?
- Are the thoughts you think are yours, or do they just pop up, triggered by outside sources?
- Can you stop thinking whenever you want?
- If you don’t, then the mind is your boss.
Your mind is the total of your thoughts and thinking process. If you have no control over your thoughts, it means that you are not their boss. You are not the boss of your mind.
It also means that most of your thoughts come from outside you, and you are not the one creating them.
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If this is true, then where is your freedom, and where is your strength? You are letting your mind rule your life instead of you ruling it.
You Can Be the Boss of Your Mind and Your Life
The mind tends to repeat the same kind of thoughts, day after day. This means that you find it difficult to accept new thoughts and new ideas. This also means that you are limiting your freedom by letting your mind be your boss.
Most people think and visualize the same mental images automatically, day after day. They view the same movie in their minds, and therefore, they create and recreate the same kind of life and the same kind of situations.
You can change the thoughts and images in your mind.
This is equivalent to inserting a new disk into the mind’s video player. Since repeated thoughts can affect events and circumstances, changing your habitual thoughts can allow your life and circumstances to adjust accordingly.
Most people don’t know or believe that it is possible to change their way of thinking. The reality of this possibility has never occurred to them. However, there are also people who have the knowledge and understanding to use the power of their thoughts and train themselves to control their minds.
If you attempt to control your mind, persist in your efforts to become more conscious of your thinking process, and learn to choose the thoughts you allow into your mind, you will become the boss of your mind.
This will help you realize, in a practical and direct manner, that your thoughts are creative and possess the power to affect your life.
Silencing the Mind
Silencing the mind means controlling it and becoming its boos.
Controlling and understanding the thinking process also leads to the ability to silence the mind, which is a higher stage that very few know about, and fewer take practical steps to achieve.
If and when you reach this goal, you will realize that you are not your mind or thoughts, but something beyond them.
The ability to silence the mind is the key to finding the button that turns the mind on and off in accordance with our will.
When we are able to turn it off at will, we experience the serenity of mind, inner strength, confidence, and happiness. When the mind and its thoughts are quiet, we experience a sort of “higher consciousness”.
Silencing the thoughts and the nonstop, exhaustingchatter of the mind allows us to enjoy peace and happiness. At this stage, we become the boss of our mind and of our life.
When we control our mind, we have better control of our life.
Conquering the Mind
A strong power of concentration makes it easier to free the mind from thoughts.
When no thoughts distract you, you become fully aware and conscious of your inner being. This is the goal of spiritual seekers, yogis, and saints. This is the secret goal beyond every tradition and religion. This secret is yours to live and enjoy, if you strive adopt it in your life.
This realization and understanding are important not only for spiritual seekers but also for people in all walks of life, including students, teachers, workers, business people, and everyone else.
What do you need to do to conquer your mind? You need to practice concentration exercises to focus your attention, practice meditation, and calm down your mind.
Your mind is responsible for everything that happens in your life. It is a creating power for the good and bad things, for success and failure.
When You Master Your Mind, You Rise Above It
After you are able to silence your mind, unhealthy habits and negative attitudes lose their power over you. In this situation, your mind and feelings will remain stable, unaffected, and not agitated by external sources.
After being able to quiet your mind, at least for a little while, you will realize that you are not the mind. You will discover that it is a sort of energy that occupies your attention constantly.
For someone who encounters this idea for the first time, it might sound weird and silly. However, someone who has practiced meditation for some time, or is conversant with the Eastern philosophies, will understand and accept these words easily.
From this inner silence, you can look at the mind, understand what it is, and come to know its nature and how and why it works.
While working towards this inner state, the mind will suggest all kinds of reasons and excuses why it is better not to bring it under control. The mind wants to be free and roam wherever it likes. It believes that if it is silenced, life will cease to be. It cannot accept that life can go on without its restless and constant chatter.
This is understandable, since the mind wants to be the boss.
There is no vacuum in nature. When the mind is made quiet, something “new” steps in. It is the Universal Consciousness, Spirit, the creative power, your “inner I”. You can call it by any name you want. It is a power that has always existed, and it is in us, it is us. It is our true Consciousness, which we have forgotten.
Thoughts are like clouds that hide the sun. When the clouds are gone we see and feel the rays of the sun. When thoughts stop, we become aware of the “higher consciousness” within us.
The Power of Thoughts
Though I have written about the power of thoughts in other articles, I would like to say a few words about it here.
- If you keep thinking about difficulties, fears and failure, your life will mirror these thoughts in your life.
- If you keep thinking about your current circumstances, you will keep recreating them.
Most people get caught in this way of thinking, and consequently, attract into their lives the same kind of events and circumstances over and over again.
- You can change your thoughts and you can choose the thoughts you want. Doing so. will change your life.
- You can, right now, start painting new, beautiful, and positive images in your mind.
- It is possible to refuse looking at the old pictures and scenes that fill your mind and create new ones.
- You can look at the mental pictures of your choice, even if your actual circumstances are very different from these mental images.
- It is Possible to choose which film to play in the projection room of your mind.
- You can choose, which pictures and paintings to hang in the inner room of your mind.
Does a feeling of power surge through you now, as you read these lines and realize that you can master your life?
Thoughts are the inner strings that move circumstances and situations. You can be the one moving these strings and make your life happier and more satisfying.
When you become the boss of your mind, you gain the power to improve your inner and emotional life, your material and financial status, and your spiritual awareness.
Becoming the Boss of Your Mind Enable You To Make Changes
Some people make a mediocre change in their lives; some go further, and make greater changes. How far you go is dependent on your ability to choose your thoughts, change the content of your mind and persevere with this process.
Some people, aspire higher, not just to change their thoughts and life, but to find the source of their thoughts, and discover the button that turns them on and off. If they are successful, they unfold the secret that many have sought down the ages.
Becoming the boss of your mind enables you to think about what you want, when you want to, and stop being influenced by outside forces.
In its higher degree, this ability takes you beyond the mind, where you can see the mind as it is, a tool for your use. You will be able to experience a higher state of consciousness, about which, all the spiritual traditions of the world have always taught about, and toward which they pointed.
This is all within your reach, if you are earnest enough to become the boss of your mind. Take the first step today, by starting to learn concentrate and focus your attention.
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