Lack of concentration and focus seems to worry a great number of people. With the widespread short attention span, this problem seems to grow stronger.
It seems that lack of concentration has become a widespread problem, irrespective of age, gender, or country.
People often ask me what to do to improve their concentration. They wish to know if there is a remedy to their lack of focus. There is a remedy for lack of concentration and lack of focus, but it requires spending some effort and time to improve these skills.
What People Say about Lack of Focus and Concentration
- “I try to concentrate, but I soon find myself thinking about something else.”
- “It is difficult for me to focus my attention when I study.”
- “My mind keeps going from one thought to another.”
- “When I try to focus on what I am doing, soon my thoughts often drift to other things.”
- “I cannot finish what I started doing.”
- “I lack concentration. I am unable to focus my mind on one thing for more than a few seconds.”
- I cannot focus for long, and therefore, I drop what I am doing. This leads me to be a procrastinator.”
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These are just a few of the things people say. The common thread of all these statements is the lack of concentration and the inability to focus the mind on one thing at a time. Lack of concentration affects work, relationships, school, and almost everything else.
The Internet, smartphones, social networks, and the information overload they cause make this problem even greater. They have a direct and strong effect on the attention span, making it even shorter.
This lack of concentration and focus affects adults and young people alike.
Sometimes, the problem is severe and might require medical attention and advice. However, if you are an average person who lacks concentration but has no health problems, you can remedy this situation by practicing concentration exercises.
How to Overcome Lack of Concentration
There are various ways to remedy poor concentration and focus, and here are a few:
You can listen to relaxing music, repeat affirmations, or even use hypnosis. These activities might help you to some extent. However, to overcome the lack of concentration you will need to do more. You will need to train and strengthen your focus.
Practicing concentration exercises is not as difficult as it might seem. The exercises will strengthen your focus and would help you overcome any lack of concentration.
When you start practicing the exercises, you might feel that you are not making progress and your mind is still wandering. Actually, you are making progress, though you might not be aware of this.
A drop of water falling on a rock does not affect the rock, but if another drop, and still another drop falls, in time, the small drops can crack the rock.
It’s the same with training the mind to focus. The progress might be small at the beginning, but it is still progress. You are changing deep subconscious habits, and this, often, takes time.
I have written many articles about concentration, which you can find at the website.
The ability to focus the mind can be developed like any other skill, and is of great importance in all walks of life. It is vital for studying and for achieving goals, for working efficiently, and for building a business, for better attention and for better meditation.
You can find advice, and powerful simple exercises for overcoming lack of concentration and developing your focus in the book, Focus Your attention. This book can definitely solve the problem of lack of concentration.
“When every physical and mental resources is focused, one’s power to solve a problem multiplies tremendously.”
– Norman Vincent Peale
“Concentration is the secret of strength.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Concentration can be cultivated. One can learn to exercise will power, discipline one’s body and train one’s mind.”
– Anil Ambani
“To be concentrated means to live fully in the present.”
– Erich Fromm
More quotes on concentration.
Image source – DepositPhotos
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