Spending too much time in front of the screen can have adverse long-term effects on our mental health and overall happiness. For instance, ExpressVPN’s survey on Gen Z’s mental health showed that 86% of them feel that social media directly impacts their happiness, while 79% admit it makes them feel depressed.
So, if I’m spending hours on my phone, is that contributing to my mood? Perhaps.
here are some simple tips that can help you better manage your time and put you in the best position to succeed.
Browse our online courses on meditation, positive thinking, overcoming procrastination, and freedom from distractions.
Our suggestions are tried and tested, why not give it a try.
How To Improve Your Mental Health
1. Take a Walk in the Nature
Taking a break and going for a walk can be like a massage for your brain.
According to multiple studies, nature has a positive effect on reducing and preventing symptoms of many mental health issues like depression and anxiety, and it’s been found to promote social interactions, improve sleep, and reduce negative thoughts.
Try to set a time in your day for walks in nature and make it a part of your routine. Visit a local park, garden, or forest and immerse yourself in the colors and sounds around you. Breathe deeply and observe the beauty of nature.
2. Meditate
The JAMA Internal Medicine journal conducted a meta-analysis of 18,000 scientific studies to conclude that meditation programs over an eight-week period can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
However, even when faced with many benefits of meditation, people are reluctant to start practicing since they often believe it takes years to establish a meditation practice, and requires intense focus to empty your mind completely.
Fortunately, that’s not the case. There are many forms of meditation you can choose from, but all of them are focused on learning how to observe your emotions and sensations rather than turning your mind into a blank canvas.
Also, you can’t fail in meditation – there are better sessions and the ones where you’ll get distracted more quickly, but every time you decide to take five minutes to reflect on yourself is a time well-spent.
For example, mindfulness meditation is a great starting point, it’s a mental training practice that teaches you to slow down your thoughts – it’s even child-friendly.
3. Read a Book
As little as 6 minutes of reading per day has been shown to reduce stress levels, improve the quality of sleep, and strengthen the neural pathways of your brain.
Also, reading can increase people’s ability to empathize with others and teach them how to understand different viewpoints and values better.
For starters, find something you enjoy reading. It can be poetry, positive affirmations, or novels; it doesn’t matter. Always keep a book on hand and read at least two or three pages per day to develop a habit.
4. Learn a New Skill
Learning a new skill can positively impact your mental health since it helps boost confidence and self-esteem. From playing an instrument or learning a new language to graphic design and pottery, there are many exciting possibilities to choose from.
What’s more, many of those classes are free.
YouTube offers hours of free videos you can learn from, but if you like more structured courses, there are various online learning platforms where you can take classes taught by experts and even get a certificate that can help you advance in your career.
5. Start a Garden
Spending time among plants instantly improves people’s mood and eases stress.
Taking care of a plant and helping it grow can have a beneficial impact on one’s self-esteem, and it’s shown to improve attention span since it requires focusing your attention on a single activity for an extended period.
If you don’t know where to start, choose one or two plants that are easy to take care of. For instance, basil and mint are cheap, fast-growing plants that don’t require much maintenance, and you can use them in your cooking. Your food is going to be even tastier with a touch of herbs from your own garden.
If you want to create healthier habits, start incorporating one of our suggestions into your daily routine and build from there. Every small step counts, so make sure to spend at least a few minutes per day doing something that’ll have a positive impact on your mental health.