Do you go on vacation now and then? Most people do. However, you cannot leave your work whenever you want; in most cases, it is once a year, sometimes twice.
There is another kind of vacation that you can enjoy without asking anyone for permission. You can go on this vacation almost at any time or place you want. Its effects are no smaller than a vacation when you leave work and home and travel somewhere.
If you wonder what kind of vacation I am talking about, I am talking about a mental vacation.
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Sounds strange? No, it’s not strange at all.
There are various forms of mental vacations, but one of them is familiar, and you enjoy it almost daily. It is daydreaming.
Almost everyone daydreams at least several times a day. For a few moments, you forget your work, chores, and problems and enjoy being in a different world.
I am not advocating daydreaming or speaking against it. I am only mentioning it as a fact. Daydreaming is just one kind of mental vacation, but there are other kinds, too.
How to Go on a Mental Vacation
There are various forms of mental vacation you can enjoy. They don’t cost you money, and you can enjoy them without taking permission from your boss. Here are a few of them.
1. Daydreaming
I have already mentioned daydreaming. However, you should endeavor to daydream only about pleasant situations and on what you really want or enjoy doing. Add movement, color, and happiness to these daydreams. Make them vivid.
2. Sleeping
Sleep is also a kind of vacation. To make it a more enjoyable vacation, when you enter your bed at night, think about the things you enjoyed in the past or about things you want to achieve. Think about them with joy, positivity, and avoid negative thinking.
3. Emptying the mind of thoughts
Try not to think of anything in particular. If you have experience with meditation, this should be easier for you. Just do what you are doing, but with calmness and with a sense of detachment. This might not be easy at the beginning, but with perseverance, you will gradually gain this important skill.
You can do so when seated in a quiet place, or while running your tasks or working.
Emptying your mind of thoughts is a real and truly relaxing vacation. This kind of vacation can continue even while working, studying, or doing anything else. However, it is not so common since it requires some inner work and training.
4. Reading inspiring quotes
Reading a few inspiring quotes. This relaxes your mind and is helpful for motivation and recharging yourself.
There are other ways, too, but I prefer to focus only on activities that you can do at any time or place. I can also add meditation, enjoying a hobby or reading a book. They are great ways to relax the mind, but you cannot do them at any time or place.
You can use the methods mentioned above occasionally for a few moments at work. You can use them while walking, waiting in line, traveling on a train or bus, washing the dishes, or watching TV. You can also use them between tasks and chores.
The Benefits of a Mental Vacation
- You give rest to your brain and mind. It calms down your mind and helps you focus better.
- It gives you a break from work, from studies, and from tasks, and also makes you forget for a while your problems, obstacles and difficulties, just like a true vacation.
Did you know that the word vacation comes from the root vacate, which means to empty? Going on a vacation means to empty your life from the obligations and the tasks of daily life.
It is important to recharge yourself and calm your nerves, mind and body once in a while, and a mental vacation helps you do just that.
Enjoy your mental vacation!