Category » Inner Peace

How to Calm Your Mind and Your Thoughts

Calm Your Mind

Do you wish you could calm your thoughts and mind?

There are various ways to calm the mind and the huge number of thoughts that keep passing through it. There is mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and other ways. Even spending time in nature is an effective way to calm your thoughts and mind.

Why do you want to calm your mind? Why calm your thoughts? Because they waste our time and energy and produce worries, stress, and unhappiness, Calming the mind stops all this and brings a sense of happiness and peace.

Most people appreciate a calm and tranquil mind only when under pressure, when they worry, or when they need to focus.

To maintain a poised state of mind in difficult situations, you need to start training your mind to stay calm in ordinary, everyday situations.

A Calm Mind Is Helpful in Many Situations

  • Do you get easily nervous and irritated?
  • Do fears and doubts fill your mind?
  • How about sleep? Do you have difficulties falling asleep at night?
  • Are there certain thoughts that keep obsessing your mind, giving you no rest?
  • Do you get agitated in every situation?
  • Do you have difficulties focusing your mind?

If you experience any of the above situations, then you certainly need to learn how to calm your mind.

Overhinking, restless thoughts, impatience, fears, and worries cause a lack of inner peace, lack of concentration, and the inability to think clearly. This leads to errors, confusion, the inability to make decisions, and failure.

If you want to achieve more in life, you must know how to calm your mind so that you stay focused and think clearly.

Simple Tips to Calm the Mind

When you calm your mind you calm your mind thoughts, since the mind is the producer of thoughts. It is actually composes of thoughts.

Here are some simple ways that can lead to a calm state of mind that anyone can follow:

Spend Time Doing Something You Love Doing

Find the time each day, to do something you love doing, such as a hobby, reading, listening your favorite music, etc.

Spend Quiet Time Alone

Find the time to be alone, to relax your body and mind, even only for a few minutes if you cannot afford more.

Give yourself some time for reflection, meditation or any activity that relaxes, such as yoga, Tai Chi, or walking on the beach or in the forest.

Use Positive Words

Your words affect your subconscious mind, your behavior and how think and feel.

Develop the habit of using positive words and positive language when talking to people, and in your inner conversations.

Using positive words and language would help your get rid of feelings of discontent, unhappiness and negative attitude, which lead to lack of inner peace.

Positive words and language would increase your self confidence, self esteem, and decisiveness, and drive away thoughts and attitude that lead to lack of inner peace.

Try to be more aware of the words you say, and work at replacing negative words and language with positive words and language.

Change the DVD in Your Mind

What kind of pictures and images occupy your mind?

Do you visualize problems, difficulties, failure or disaster? These mental images deprive you of inner peace.

You can change the negative pictures with just a little effort. It is like ejecting the DVD that runs in your mind and putting there a new one.

Every time negative pictures and mental images appear in your mind, replace them with pictures and images of success, happiness and joy. Be patient, as this might take some time and effort.

Avoid mental pictures and images that are upsetting, and which cause apprehensiveness, worry fear and negative feelings.

Breathe Deeply

Breathe deeply a few times when in stress. This kind of breathing delivers more oxygen to the body and the mind, and reduces stress.

There is no need for anything complicated. Just breathe in slowly, filling your lungs, and then exhale. Do so calmly and without strain.

Exercise Your Body

Exercising your body improves your health and mental attitude, making you more positive, focused and relaxed.

Exercise is good for maintaining the body and mind in good condition, improving the immunity system and coping better with stressful situations.


One of the best ways to calm your mind is meditation. Even a few minutes a day would help, but you need to do so regularly. Any meditation method would do.

You can try the watching thoughts meditation, mantra meditation, or any other you wish and find comfortable to practice.

Online Meditation Course

Enjoy Nature

Being out in nature has a great relaxing effect. Trees, lakes, streams, the sea, sunrise and sunset are naturally relaxing and calming.

Being out in nature can make you feel calm, happy and serene and enjoying a relaxing state of mind.

Do you want to learn to make your mind peaceful? Check our book Calm Down the Nonstop Chatter of Your Mind and Focus Your Attention.