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6 Reasons Why You Need to Let Go at Work When Things Are Tough

Letting Go

It is well known that work is one of the main reasons for stress and unhappiness.

Do you sometimes need to work hard and or stay overtime? Do you have a demanding boss? Are your co-workers unpleasant to work with? These factors can cause stress.

You might have dreams, but they stay as dreams since you need money and have to work. You need to pay the mortgage, and you need to support your family.

All these reasons cause stress and unhappiness.

What can you do in these circumstances? You can leave your job, but it is not always reasonable to do so, and you have no guarantee that your next job will not be the same.

If you want to seek another job, that’s okay, but if you have a mortgage and a family to support, you will not just leave your job just because of stress at work.

You need to develop the power to resist the stress at work and learn to let go.

If you cannot change a situation and are angry, the best thing to do is to let go of the anger and the negative thoughts and feelings. By letting them go, you free yourself of them and all the stress and unhappiness they cause.

It would be best if you loosened your involvement with the thoughts, feelings, and reactions that are causing you suffering, anger, and stress. If you detach and let go, they will have no power over you and cannot affect your state of mind.

5 Reasons Why You Need to Let Go at Work

Letting go of stress, negative thoughts, anger, or resentment is important for living a more calm and harmonious life.

1. Stress is unhealthy
Living under stress weakens your physical health, harms the immune system, and makes you feel tired and exhausted. You don’t want to hurt your health, do you?

2. Repeating mentally other people’s words
A remark from your boss or a colleague might wreck your day, make you think repeatedly about the words, and analyze why they were said.

These words, inflamed by your thinking and emotions, can create stress, anger, and unhappiness. It would be best if you let go. Otherwise, you are causing yourself unnecessary suffering.

3. Your reactions can hurt you
Can you control what an angry or unsatisfied customer says? No, you can’t, but you can control your reaction. You can choose to get angry, resentful, and stressed, or you can choose not to let their words affect you.

You can choose to let go of the incident, learn from it, and move on, and you can dwell on it, inflate it out of any proportion, occupy your mind with it, and create anger, stress, and suffering.

4. Repeating negative thoughts
If you do not like your job, will thinking about it help you in any way? If you are going to stay in your job, why continue to create suffering for you? Letting go of the negative thoughts about your work will do you good and make you feel better and happier.

5. Lack of satisfaction at work
You didn’t get the promotion you expected, the bonus promised, or the cubicle or room you wanted? Did you disagree with one of the people who work with you?

6. Overthinking
Overthinking and dwelling on these and similar work issues will destroy your peace of mind. Do you want that?

The Importance of Letting Go

You need to let go of all the negative and unhappy thoughts and emotions that arise, even if this is difficult and you feel agitated. You don’t need them. They are like an anchor that keeps your mind and feelings fixed on the unhappy incident.

Do you want external events to control your life? Do you want to allow other people’s thoughts, words, and behavior to decide how you feel? I am sure you don’t.

Letting go does not mean giving up. It means leaving negative thoughts and emotions, overthinking, and dwelling on what you believe hurt you.

Letting go of what makes you suffer at work requires a certain degree of detachment. This would set your mind and emotions free. This is true in all areas of life, not just work.

There are various tools to help you let go, such as repeating affirmations, using visualization, and meditation. Another very useful and most helpful tool is detachment. I have covered this topic and provided instructions, advice, and guidance about it in my book about emotional detachment.