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11 Tips on How not to Take Things Personally

Stop Taking Things Personally

  • Do you take too personally what people say or do?
  • Are you allowing other people’s remarks, actions, or behavior to offend you?
  • Do you take every minor event too seriously, allowing it to limit you or frighten you?

Do you often wonder how not to take things personally?

There is no need to take anything personally!

It’s just a waste of mental and emotional energy.

You might say it is easier said than done, but the truth is that you can do something about it.

Life Becomes Happier when You Do not Take Things Personally

Your life would become happier, and you would enjoy more inner peace when you do not take things personally and too seriously.

Do you sometimes feel offended? You might incorrectly interpret someone’s words or behavior due to a lack of sufficient information or missing facts.

Sometimes, the offense is not real, and the so-called offender never intended to offend you. Does this justify feeling offended? You only cause yourself unnecessary suffering.

So what if someone expressed some criticism?

Does this justify thinking over and again about what they said? Do you think this will help you in any way? The other person might not even be aware that you have been offended.

On other occasions, even if the other person did try to offend you intentionally, why accept, think, or dwell on what they said? Participating in the game of hurt feelings is absolutely useless and unnecessary.

When you feel hurt, insulted, or angry, it is unwise and unhealthy to brood over them or sweep them under the carpet.

It is also unwise to allow negative self-talk to take place in your mind, as this might aggravate matters.

You need to pay attention to your thoughts and your feelings if they start veering toward dwelling on any wrongs you believe others did to you.

Learning not to take things personally is better, wiser, and healthier.

Learning to stop taking things personally requires effort and time. You can learn to change your attitude and react differently.

This becomes possible with a certain degree of emotional detachment.

Taking things too personally and too seriously makes life difficult and often brings unhappiness and suffering.

When you take things too personally, you make yourself more vulnerable to hurt feelings, anger, frustration and unhappiness. Taking things too personally is like placing a heavy load on your back.

How not to Take Things Personally

Would you like to know how not to take things personally and how to stop taking things too seriously? Read on!

The remedy is to adopt an attitude of emotional detachment. I have written a few articles about this topic.

Stop Taking Things Too Personally

If you want to stop taking things too personally, practice emotional detachment.Click to Post

Tips on How not to Take Things Personally

How to stop taking things personally – simple tips:

How not to take things personally? I am not saying it’s easy, but it’s definitely possible. I know it’s possible, but this requires earnest desire to change this habit and perseverance.

  1. Ask yourself, “Is what you heard true at all?”
  2. Why do I take things personally? Is it because I lack self-esteem and consider other people as more important then me? If this is true, why do I believe others are better?
  3. Think, maybe what you heard does not refer to you at all.
  4. Ask yourself why are you allowing words and feelings to hurt you.
  5. Work at improving your self-confidence.
  6. Avoid thinking over and again about what upset you. Instead, think of something useful, and which makes you feel happier.
  7. When you take something too personally and cannot let go of it, go away alone for a walk, or exercise your body. This will clear and calm down your mind, and shift your attention away from what is bothering you.
  8. Don’t jump to conclusions too quickly. Think first
  9. Wait a while before responding angrily.
  10. It would be a good idea to start practicing meditation every day. It will enable you to to maintain a tranquil state of mind in difficult and stressful situations.
  11. Try to look dispassionately and with lack of interest at what you take personally. Often, you will realize that you are inflating minor, unimportant matters into big issues.

When you learn to use emotional detachment in a positive way, you will be able, in a natural and effortless way, not to take things too personally. You will also not take minor and unimportant incidents too seriously. This will make you feel free and happy.

Emotional detachment is a skill that you can learn, like any other skill and can improve how you feel in many situations. You need a certain degree of emotional detachment, if you wish to feel free and to improve the quality of your life. Its lack, leads to attachment, to fear of letting go, and to avoiding changes.

Quotes about not Taking Things Personally

Here are a few ‘stop taking things personally quotes’:

“Don’t Take Anything Personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.”
– Don Miguel Ruiz

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“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”
– Buddha

“I cannot always control what goes on outside. But I can always control what goes on inside.”
– Wayne Dyer

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”
– Lewis B. Smedes

“We often add to our pain and suffering by being overly sensitive, over-reacting to minor things and sometimes taking things too personally.”
– Dalai Lama

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