You have probably heard about the law of attraction and creative visualization, and you might have already tried them successfully or unsuccessfully.
These techniques use the power of imagination to attract to you the things you desire. In this way, you can shape your life, behavior, and circumstances.
The law of attraction and creative visualization complement each other and actually use the same technique – mental visualization.
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This technique utilizes the power of thoughts. However, thoughts alone are not enough to make things happen. Some additional ingredients are required to energize the thoughts. These ingredients are your feelings and emotions.
- What makes you take action, a cold, uninteresting thought, or one charged with emotion?
- What kind of lecturer rivets your attention, someone who talks in a boring, listless manner or a lecturer who talks with zest and emotion?
People, actions, and thoughts charged with emotion make a stronger impact.
This is why it is important to add feelings and emotions to your thoughts if you wish to manifest them.
Feelings and emotions put life into the thoughts and make them produce results in the external world, in the same way that electricity makes electrical appliances work.
Both electricity and feelings are a form of energy. Electricity moves machinery and operates appliances, and feelings supply energy to thoughts.
The Power of Feelings
Emotions and feelings are a sort of energy that can energize your thoughts and make them powerful enough to produce results.
In order to make your thoughts come true, you need to charge them with emotional energy. Thoughts charged with emotional energy have a great impact on their thinker and on the environment.
Such thoughts can drive you to take action and strive to make your dreams come true. This is one of the secrets of using the techniques of creative visualization and the law of attraction successfully.
Thoughts need the energy of feelings in order to manifest. This is true on a small scale and a major scale.
Suppose you think of building a business. Will this thought build for you a business? You need to desire it very much. You need to be enthusiastic and you need the pour into it a lot of desire and feelings.
This works in the same way with minor desires. If you just think about a cone of ice cream for a few seconds, and then move your attention to something else, will you go and buy one? Probably not. You will buy it only if you also feel the pleasure of enjoying a cone of ice cream.
How to Use the Power of Feelings
If you want to get results, you need to energize your thoughts. You can do so by producing positive and happy feelings of success and happiness, and associating them with your goal.
All of us have experienced at least some sort of success or happiness in our life. Even small manifestations of success count.
- Bring to your memory past happy events, and try to relive them in your imagination. Visualize the event as clearly as you can, and let the positive and happy feelings you experienced at that time become alive again.
- Recreate and relish the happiness, exhilaration and feeling of success that you have awakened.
- While in this mental and emotional state, start visualizing your current goal.
- At the same time, continuing experiencing in your imagination the feelings and emotions you have awakened.
- Now, associate those feelings with your present goal. Feel as if you have already accomplished your goal, and that you are feeling great, happy and satisfied.
This action will inject energy into your thoughts and make them strong and powerful.
In time, you will be able arouse feelings of success and accomplishment, without the need to use this method.
By charging your thoughts with emotional energy you can accomplish wonders. You set powers into action that will bring you the opportunities, tools or people necessary to accomplish your goals.
If you found this topic interesting and intriguing, you can find more detailed information, advice and instructions for using the power of thoughts, creative visualization and the law of attraction in your life in the book about this topic, available at this website.
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