Can you shape your life with your thoughts? Yes, you can. Thoughts that you repeat often imprint themselves on your subconscious mind and affect your habits, behavior, and responses.
You have probably said more than once, “I was sure this was going to happen.”
Was it a hunch, or did things happen because you expected them to happen that way?
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Think about several events in your life and try to remember what thoughts you had in your mind before each one occurred. You might be surprised to discover that, in many instances, your thoughts correlated with the event.
This might seem strange to you, but thoughts have power.
The thoughts we often repeat influence our behavior and attitude, actions and reactions, our lives, and the people around us. As our thoughts are, so is our life.
This means we must be careful with our thoughts, especially those we repeat often. One thought is not powerful enough to change our lives. However, repeating the same thought frequently will gain power and become stronger, affecting our lives.
A repeated thought imprints itself powerfully on our subconscious mind, which, in turn, works toward making this thought become a reality in our lives.
Thoughts are like a movie that we play in our minds. If we keep playing the same film, it will eventually manifest in our lives and become our reality.
How to Shape Your Life with Your Thoughts
You can shape your life with your thoughts, make improvements, and make changes.
Shaping your life the way you want requires changing your thoughts. Shaping your external life begins from within, in your mind.
It would be best if you started thinking about what you really want, not about the things you do not want. It is like playing a new movie in your mind that you like more than the current one.
The new mental movie will, in time, change your behavior, actions, and attitude, and would attract into your life people, situations and events corresponding with your new thoughts.
However, you need to remember that one single thought is not strong enough to create a change. You need to repeat the same thought often. This repetition will gradually strengthen the thought, giving it the power to affect your life.
A thought often repeated takes root in the subconscious mind, and from there, it affects your life and even your environment. The great thing about this process is that you do not need to strain or overexert yourself to make it work. All you have to do is choose the thoughts you want to come true and keep repeating them in your mind.
How to Use the Power of Your Thoughts
Suppose you are shy when you meet people but want to change this. Forcing yourself to talk with people does not always work, and it might make you feel uncomfortable and behave awkwardly.
There is a better way to change your behavior. You can change your behavior and habits with the help of visualization.
With the help of visualization techniques, you use the power of your thoughts to make changes in your life.
How to Use Visualization to Change Habits
If you wish to change a habit, for example, stop being shy, visualize yourself feeling confident and talking fluently with people. This is similar to daydreaming, which is an easy and pleasurable activity that does not require effort.
Here is what you need to do:
Visualize yourself conversing fluently, with ease and confidence. Imagine how the words flow from your mouth, how you enjoy expressing yourself, and how everyone pays close attention to every word you say.
Using this technique, you build a perfect scene in your mind of whatever you want to accomplish.
Add details, color, sound, scents, and activity into these mental scenes. Repeat them often, with faith and attention, and your subconscious mind will assist you in aligning them with your reality in the most natural way.
In this way, you can:
- Overcome negative habits and build new ones
- Develop new skills and abilities
- Change situations and circumstances
- Attain whatever you truly desire.
The Power of Thoughts Can Shape Your Life
The power of thoughts can help you get a new job, improve your relationships, earn more money, or improve your life. Thoughts and life are interconnected. What we think often becomes our reality.
These changes take time to happen. They depend on how earnest you are in your efforts and how much time and focus you put into your new way of thinking.
This is mental work, but this does not mean that you stay passive and wait for results. You need to keep an open mind and be willing to take action when necessary.
Decide what you want to get or achieve, and start thinking about it often throughout the day or at several specific times during the day. These repeated thoughts would get stronger and, eventually, create the conditions and circumstances that correspond with your thoughts.
The power of thought is real. You have certainly used it many times without realizing it. However, when you know how it works and how to use it consciously, you can transform, improve, and master your life.
Remember, your thoughts and your life are interconnected.
If you wish to understand this process thoroughly, and learn how to use the power of your thoughts effectively, I recommend that you read the book ““. It is a comprehensive and practical guide to creative, visualization, the law of attraction, and the powers of the mind.
Browse our online courses on meditation, positive thinking, overcoming procrastination, motivation, and freedom from distractions.