The law of opulence is the mental law of success.
Through this law, you can attract things, people, and events into your life.
This law is now known as “The law of Attraction”, and the technique that brings it into action is called creative visualization.
What Is Opulence
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Let’s start with opulence definition and the law of opulence meaning.
- Opulence means plenty, wealth, riches and abundance, but this is not restricted only to money.
- What does opulent mean? To be opulent means to be very wealthy.
- Opulence means to have a lot of resources.
- It means prosperity, affluence, and assets.
- There can be opulence of love, happiness and peace, and other states of opulence.
It is the nature of the world to be abundant and have plenty of everything. It is one’s mind and attitude that often obstructs the flow of opulence.
The first thing you need to do is to think big, think in unlimited ways.
In his book The History of Mind, which was first published more than 100 years ago, Richard Ingalese says:
“If you have no possessions, then it is because you have not used the law of opulence for your own benefit. It is a well-known fact in Occultism that everyone has now just what he deserves, and this is as true, relative to opulence, as it is to spiritual and mental qualities.”
How to Make the Law of Opulence Work For You
Richard Ingalese also said that to put the law of opulence into operation, it is necessary to realize three things:
1. That everything you want exists now in the Divine Mind.
2. That all things belong to Deity and that you can only have temporary use of them.
3. We should realize that all things are distributed by the Universal Consciousness according to law.
One man is not poverty-stricken and another man a millionaire by chance, fatalism or caprice; but everything is distributed according to the law of mental demand or of asking and receiving.
Whatever you think about, over and again, you eventually, attract into your life.
How do you put the law of opulence into operation in your life?
- You need to know exactly what you want.
- Awaken a strong desire to get what you want.
- Build strong faith that you can get what you want.
- Visualize your goal by creating a mental image of it.
- Repeat affirmations about what you want to manifest in your life.
- Focus on your goal and do not allow anything to divert you from pursuing your goal.
- You need patience.
- You need persistence.
These are just a few general suggestions of what you need to do
The law of opulence, the law of attraction, creative visualization and other similar terms are different labels for the same subject.
Meaning of Opulence through Quotes
Quotes can help you realize what does opulent mean. Here are a few:
“Opulence is the law of the universe, an abundant supply for every need if nothing is put in the way of its coming.”
Ralph Waldo Trine
“Affluence, unboundedness, and abundance are our natural states. We need only to restore the memory of what we already know.”
Deepak Chopra
“The only difference between a rich person and a poor person is how they use their time.”
Robert Kiyosaki
“Opulence is the law of the universe, an abundant supply for every need if nothing is put in the way of its coming.”
Ralph Waldo Trine
The following books can help you put this law into operation. These books teach and in clear and detailed way how to use manifestation, the law of attraction, creative visualization and affirmations to bring abundance and prosperity into your life.
Browse our online courses on meditation, positive thinking, overcoming procrastination, and freedom from distractions.