Stress consumes time and energy, weakens our immune system, and creates restlessness, unhappiness, impatience, and anger. Nobody wants it, but still, it is here, present in everyone’s life.
Stress can harm your life, ambitions, relationships, and health. There is no doubt that it would be much better to live without it.
Various stress management techniques can help you to reduce, control, and manage stress. Some stress techniques might suit some people, and other techniques are more suitable for other people.
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One of the best methods of stress management techniques is, of course, meditation. Practicing it daily will create a calming effect on the body, nerves, and blood pressure. It will reduce restlessness and bring peace of mind, tranquility, and serenity into your life.
To experience the benefits of meditation, you have to meditate every day. The problem is that not everyone has the discipline and the motivation to meditate, even when realizing the benefits of meditation. Nonetheless, it is one of the top techniques for releasing stress, anxiety, and worries.
Meditation is not the only way for stress reduction. In this article, I suggest a few simple other ways to handle and reduce stress.
If the stress is too high, and you cannot handle it yourself, you will need professional help. Here, I would like to focus on some simple and easy steps to reduce stress.
It is not always possible to eliminate the cause of stress, but you can certainly change your attitude toward it.
Changing your attitude toward something bothering you can reduce its influence on you.
You cannot always control the conditions of your life and circumstances, but you can learn to choose not to be influenced by them too much.
Simple Stress Management Techniques
The following tips are simple stress management techniques that serve as first aid means to reduce stress. They will not prevent it altogether, but they can reduce or alleviate it.
1. Take a short walk
When you feel stress is building up within you, stop what you are doing and take a short walk.
While walking, try to focus on your breath, look around you, listen to music, or do anything else that keeps your mind away from what is causing you the stress.
2. Drink water or juice
When stressed, drink some water or sweet juice. This can have almost immediate alleviation of the stress.
3. Take some deep breaths
When under stress, take a few slow, deep breaths.
Breathe slowly, filling your lungs with air, wait 2-3 seconds, and then exhale slowly. Wait 2-3 seconds, and then breathe again. Repeat this process a few times.
If you feel you need more relaxation, you can continue breathing in this way for a minute or two or even a little more.
4. Eat Something
When under stress, you can alleviate it to a certain extent by eating something sweet. This can have an immediate effect on your stress level.
However, do not turn this technique into a habit since this can lead to gaining weight.
5. Listen to music
Listen to melodious, relaxing music or songs. Music has a positive, soothing effect on one’s body and mind.
Of course, not all music is equal in this respect. To relax, you need to listen to relaxing music.
6. Do something you like doing
When under stress, leave whatever you are doing, even if this is just for a few minutes, and do something that you like doing.
You can spend some time on a hobby, engage in sport, walk, dance, bake, or read. You may choose anything you like and enjoy doing.
7. Watch a funny movie
Watching a movie can take your mind off any stress, worries, and anxieties. However, it is better to choose a funny or entertaining movie.
Thrillers and action movies take your mind away from what is disturbing you. However, they create stress and tension, which you are trying to avoid.
8. Repeat affirmations
Repeat relaxing affirmations (positive statements) for a few moments, aloud or silently.
Here are a few examples:
- “My mind is getting calm.”
- “I am relaxed and happy.”
- “I can meet any situation calmly and confidently.”
- “Everything is going to turn out great.”
- “I feel my body, feelings, and mind are getting calmer.”
These words, when repeated with attention and belief in what you are saying, affect your conscious and subconscious minds and, consequently, affect your behavior, body, and feelings.
9. Think about the uselessness of stress
Think and persuade yourself about the futility of stress and how much it is better to live without it.
Convince yourself that it just wastes your time and energy, exhausts you, makes you make mistakes, and affects your health adversely. See the futility of succumbing to it.
Repeating these thoughts often will create a stronger desire to get rid of stress.
10. Don’t allow what people say to affect you
Do not allow other people’s opinions, words, and actions to affect you. You can do so if you keep trying. You can develop this ability by learning emotional detachment.
Strive to keep a mental and emotional distance from words that tend to hurt you. What people think, say, and do is their business. Why let them affect you adversely? Why let their words and actions affect how you feel?
11. Exercise
Exercise your body regularly in any sport.
Physical exercise brings more oxygen into the body, more energy, and more confidence. After spending time exercising, you will feel much stronger, more energetic, and more confident.
12. Slow your pace
It would be best if you learned to slow down. Ask yourself:
- Do you need to do everything you are doing?
- Can you delegate some of your work to others?
- Is the goal you are pursuing really important?
If you do fewer things every day, it’s okay. You don’t need to compete against yourself and others.
You can manage stress with these simple stress management techniques. Do not let their simplicity make you fail to appreciate them.
Learning to manage stress requires some effort and time on your part, but the rewards are great. Follow the simple tips and stress management techniques on this page. Try them all. Each can help in a different situation.
Remember, the more peaceful your mind becomes, the less stress you experience. The more inner peace you possess, the less anxiety, stress, and fear you experience.
You can find information, guidance, and exercises for releasing stress in the book Enjoy Inner Peace in the Busy Daily Life, mentioned below.