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Are You Aware of the World Around You? Open Your Mind and Eyes

Awareness of the World

How much are you aware of what is happening around you, in your immediate environment, and in the world beyond your personal environment? This might sound like a weird question, but it is not.

  • Are you aware of the world around you?
  • Are you aware of what is happening around you? Most people are too focused on themselves, their thoughts, desires, or smartphones and are unaware of what is happening around them.
  • Do you constantly think about your problems and worries?
  • Do you constantly think about your plans and goals and what you want to do or achieve? instead of being also aware of the world around you?
  • Are you often busy thinking about what people said or did?

Expanding your awareness and seeing the world from a broader perspective changes your experience.

Stop missing the beautiful world around you!

Take a Look at the World Around You

I rarely see people raising their heads up and looking at the moon or the stars. When was the last time you looked at the beautiful sky at night or noticed how the moon looks on different nights? When was the last time you saw the sun setting or rising?

Have you ever stopped to look at buildings’ upper stories or roofs? When you walk outside, do you notice the trees, the flowers, or the buildings around you?

Now and then, you stop what you are doing and look at the world around you.

  • For a little while, stop dwelling on problems and difficulties.
  • For a few moments, leave your thoughts and look around you.
  • Occasionally, stop looking at the screen of your smartphone and notice what is happening around you.

As a child, you were probably more aware of the world, but as time passed, you stopped looking around you due to life’s conditions. In time, this became a habit. It would be best if you undid this habit. This would bring more joy into your life.

Why are people not aware of the world around them? There is too much thinking, dwelling on the past and problems, egocentricity, busyness, and constantly looking at the smartphone screen.

Why It Is Important to Be Aware of the World Around You

Are you aware of the world around you? There are many reasons why you must be aware of it:

  • Life becomes more interesting When you learn to look around you. You discover a new and fascinating world around you, which you stopped noticing a long time ago.
  • When aware of the environment, things, and people you encounter, you discover opportunities you would not have seen.
  • You become aware of the people around you, of how they think and what they feel, and this can help you improve your relations with them.
  • It helps you do your job better, with fewer errors.
  • When you see the world you begin to enjoy beautiful landscapes, nature, flowers, trees and the changing colors of the sky at sunset and sunrise.
  • It makes you feel more connected to life and the forces of nature.
  • You feel a sense of wider awareness, deeper comprehension, and a sense of being more alive.

Stop limiting your yourself. You are limiting yourself when you are focused only on yourself and on your affairs. You miss opportunities and limit your awareness.

Stop living in small and limited world. Try to adopt a wider viewpoint, be more tolerant and more aware of the world around you.

Simple Tips to Increase your Awareness

Are you aware of the world around you? Increasing your awareness improves your focus, efficiency and recognizing opportunities. It also makes you more considerate and friendly. Here are tips to make you aware:

  1. Occasionally, stop what you are doing and look at what is happening around you.
  2. When walking in the street, look at the people, and notice what they are wearing and how they walk. Look at the window shops, the buildings and the cars.
  3. When someone talks, listen to him or her.
  4. Always try to see a wider picture, look at life from a wider perspective, and don’t be afraid of new ideas and new activities.
  5. Learning to focus your mind and striving to calm down its constant chatter, would work wonders, giving you control of your mind, thoughts and attention. This will make it easier to direct your attention where you want.
  6. Remember, when the mind becomes calm, the five senses get sharper, comprehension becomes faster, and you see the world from a wider perspective.

Meditation the Way to Expanded Awareness

Meditation is a powerful tool for expanding awareness, allowing you to perceive the world with clarity and depth.

As you quiet the constant chatter of the mind, you create space for a broader perspective, revealing insights that were once hidden beneath the noise of daily life.

Regular meditation trains your focus, sharpening your ability to be fully present and attuned to the details of the world around you. This heightened awareness extends beyond yourself, enabling you to notice subtle connections, patterns, and opportunities that often go unnoticed in a distracted state.

As your consciousness expands, you begin to see life not as a series of isolated events but as an interconnected tapestry, enhancing your understanding and appreciation of existence.

With a focused and calm mind, meditation allows you to connect deeply with your surroundings and inner self. You become more attuned to the beauty of nature, the emotions of others, and the intricate workings of your own thoughts.

This state of heightened awareness transforms how you engage with the world, replacing reactive habits with intentional, thoughtful responses. Meditation broadens your mental horizons and opens your eyes to truths you never considered before.

Quotes about Being Conscious and Aware of the World Around You

“In today’s rush, we all think too much, seek too much, want too much, and forget about the joy of just being.”
– Eckhart Tolle

“Mindful and creative, a child who has neither a past, nor examples to follow, nor value judgments, simply lives, speaks and plays in freedom.”
– Arnaud Desjardins

“Just being aware of what you are about to do greatly diminishes the tendency to do what you don’t want to. You will pull your hand back from that pizza slice, tell the waitress that you are passing on dessert, put on your gym shoes instead of going under the comforter, and take several deep breaths instead of screaming at your daughter.”
– Srikumar Rao

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“Always keep an open mind and a compassionate heart.”
– Phil Jackson

“Awareness is the greatest agent for change.”
– Eckhart Tolle

The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.
– Nathaniel Branden

“We live on the leash of our senses. There is no way in which to understand the world without first detecting it through the radar-net of our senses.”
– Diane Ackerman

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