Are you sometimes afraid you might fail and don’t even try?
You may have failed in the past. This happens to everyone, but the people who achieved success, though confronted with failure, tried repeatedly until they succeeded.
Overcoming the fear of failure will give you the courage to try, do things, and strive to succeed.
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It is strange, but we often think and search for examples of people who failed instead of people who succeeded. It is as if we want to avoid trying and keep looking for excuses.
If you are looking for excuses not to act because you fear you might fail, you will always find them.
People love to hear of success stories and how successful people achieved their dreams and goals.
They might dream they could achieve the same, but if you ask them why they are not trying to do what these successful people did, doubts, fears, and lack of belief arise in their minds. They fear they might fail and think of the difficulties and obstacles they might face.
Do Not Listen to People Who Speak about Failure
People will always tell you that it is difficult to succeed, that you don’t have the talent, that it is a waste of time to try, and that you will fail. This means they are experts on failure, not success, so why should you listen to them?
You will only know what you can achieve once you try. If you are afraid of failure, you will not try, and if you try, you will anticipate failure, look for failure, and might achieve failure.
On the other hand, if you overcome your fears, refuse to think about failure, and expect success, things will be different. You will try, and you will take action. You might fail, but you also might win and succeed.
If someone talks about the difficulties you might encounter and the obstacles you might encounter and tries to discourage you, think twice before accepting his advice.
Don’t let other people’s beliefs and opinions stop you. Sometimes, they might be right, and you should listen to them. Open your eyes, ears, and mind, use common sense, and learn before you leap into a new venture.
Listening to positive people who have succeeded will motivate and encourage you, unlike listening to negative people who have never tried to do anything.
How to Overcome the Fear of Failure
Overcoming the fear of failure is a choice you must make.
Every success has been preceded by failure.
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
– Thomas A. Edison
How many times did you fall when you started walking as a small child? It’s probably many times, but you still need to try again.
How many mistakes have you made until you mastered a foreign language and learned to dance or swim? It’s probably many times, but you still need to try again.
You can succeed in small and big matters when you overcome fear and discouragement.
It is natural to fear and have doubts when starting a new venture, starting a new job, or doing something you have never done before. However, if what you want to do will improve your life and not harm anyone, move on despite your fears and doubts.
You can overcome the fear of failure when you develop inner strength, willpower, and self-discipline.
You can overcome the fear of failure when you change your attitude with the help of affirmations and creative visualization.
You can be afraid of failure and never try and never make changes in your life, and you can rise above this fear and try. Your chances of success are far more significant when you are equipped with willpower, self-discipline, affirmations, and visualization.
“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.”
– Og Mandino
“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”
– Henry Ford
“There can be no failure to a man who has not lost his courage, his character, his self respect, or his self-confidence. He is still a King.”
– Orison Swett Marden
Browse our online courses on meditation, positive thinking, overcoming procrastination, and freedom from distractions.