Ambition quotes can inspire and awaken the desire and motivation to succeed and improve one’s life.
What is ambition? The simple and concise definition of ambition is “A strong desire to gain something or achieve a certain goal, and the motivation and willingness to do everything to get it.”
Desire and motivation supply the zest and energy to accomplish dreams and goals. Realizing ambitions requires focusing on goals and shifting one’s mindset toward success.
Ambition Definition According to Various Sources
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How do we define ambition? Here are a few definitions according to several dictionaries.
Cambridge Dictionary defines ambition as – “a strong wish to achieve something.”
Merriam-Webster dictionary says – “an ardent desire for rank, fame, or power.”
Collins dictionary provides the following definition – “the desire to be successful, rich, or powerful.”
Business Dictionary definition is – “The desire to achieve something, or to succeed, accompanied with motivation, determination and an internal drive.”
On this page, you will find quotes about ambition to inspire you and awaken the desire to succeed. Read them often, think about them, and try implementing them in your life.
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Ambition Quotes to Strengthen Your Ambition
By Remez Sasson
Quotes about being ambitious, increasing your drive, resilience, and dedication to succeed, and stay motivated.
“Ambition is the rocket engine that will take you wherever you wish to arrive.”
“Wish for the best and expect the best in everything you do, everywhere, and at any time.”
“Wishful thinking is not enough to progress in life. You also need strong ambition and strong desire.”
“Success starts in the mind. Fill your mind with thoughts about success, not about failure.”
“First, create in your imagination the success you want, and then, take action to make it come true.”
“Some have ambition for small achievements. Some have greater ambition for greater accomplishments.”
“If someone tells you that something is impossible, this does not mean that it is impossible for you.”
“Dream about success, but also work to make it true in your life. Otherwise, it will remain just a dream.”
“Dreams, ambition and perseverance are the combination that leads to success.”
“Think good of other people, and they will be kind to you, help you, and encourage you.”
“Think good of other people, and they will be kind to you, help you, and encourage you.”
“Every accomplishment started as a dream propelled by strong ambition.”
“Every accomplishment requires making decisions and taking action.”
“Taking action and trying, even if you make mistakes, is better than staying passive.”
“Every accomplishment increases your ambition and your belief that you can do greater things.”
“Success means many things. It is money, prosperity, and possessions but also self-improvement and spiritual growth.”/p>
Powerful Quotes About Ambition
Quotes on ambition and dreams.
“Expect the best and do the best, and your life will start improving.”
“Focus on your work and do it the best you can, even if you don’t like it. This would train and improve your success skills.”
“Whatever your present reality is, stick to positivity, and keep expecting the best to happen.”
“Do not allow people who belittle you to lead you to quit your ambitions. Keep going on despite their words.”
“Live your dreams. Don’t live your fears.”
“Do not let failure and discouragement hold you down. Start over again.”
“If you fail, learn what you need to improve and try again. Do not give in to failure. Keep your ambition alive.”
“If your ambition is strong, obstacles and difficulties will not discourage you.”
“Let go of the past and never allow it to hold you captive. Always move forward.”
“Let go of your negative thoughts by replacing them with positive thoughts. This will keep your mind positive and strong.”
“If you earnestly want success and have enough ambition, you will eventually get it.”
Empowering Ambition Quotes
Quotes for Ambition and Achieving Personal Goals and the importance of ambition in life.
“Always imagine yourself walking on the high road leading to the land of success.”
“Nothing can stop you if you have hope, ambition, and belief in yourself.”
“A weak ambition does not supply the energy for big achievements. Strong ambition supplies the fuel for big success.”
“Do more than you can. Go the extra mile by doing, striving, and persevering more. This would create greater results.”
“Persuade yourself that success is your only option.”
“Inner strength, motivation, and belief in yourself will take you a long way toward achieving your dreams.”
“You need ambition if you want to improve your habits, improve your life, gain success at your job, or improve your relationships.”
“Discipline, patience, perseverance and clear goals lead to success.”
“Keep telling yourself, ‘I believe that soon difficulties will disappear and the bright sun will shine on my life.'”
“Like clouds that pass and go away, so difficulties and problems pass and go away.”
“Happiness, satisfaction, and love are important in life, not only money and position.”
“Reading inspirational quotes every day would give you the motivation and ambition to persevere with your plans. Inspirational quotes are like a current of energy that supplies you with power to go on.”
“If you don’t like something, change it. If you cannot change it, change your attitude toward it.”
“Aspiration awakens inspiration, and inspiration awakens aspiration.”
“Aspire to stay calm in trying situations. Keeping a calm mind will help you find a way out.”
“A purpose, intention, and a blueprint are the outcomes of a strong ambition. Without them, there is no plan and no direction.”
Quotes About Ambition for Success
The more ambitious you are, the greater your prospects for success.
“Always do more than you can do because you can. Doing more will bring you more and better results.”
“Be ambitious to take an extra step. This will lead you much further and bring greater results.”
“Do not resist change. Accept it and cooperate with it because change is a new door to new opportunities.”
“Change is inevitable. It helps you see new directions, and it awakens new ambition.”
“Doubts and worries are like chains that hold you down. They do not let ambition flourish. You do not need them.”
“Break the chains that bind your mind and set it free. New thoughts, actions, and experiences bring more freedom, opportunities, desires, and ambitions.”
“Free your mind of all limitations, and you will learn to soar high above them.”
“Determination, drive and persistence lead to accomplishment. Without them, you stay where you are”
“When a door opens, have the courage to step in.”
“Every day, take at least one step toward accomplishing your dreams. This can be a big step and it can be a small step. The important thing is that you take a step forward.”
“You are part of the cosmic creative power. Accepting this idea will empower your every action and awaken great powers within you.”
“Awaken in you the ambition to help people, and people will help you.”
“Awaken in you the ambition to be kind to people, and people will be kind to you.”
“Rejoicing in the success and happiness of other people opens the door for your success and happiness.”
The above are Remez Sasson’s Quotes About Ambition Below, you will find quotes from other sources.
Quotes on Ambition from Various Sources
Famous Ambition quotes from various sources.
“Great ambition is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it may perform very good or very bad acts. All depends on the principles which direct them.”
“The people who are really great are not those who try to belittle your ambitions but those who make you feel that you too can become great”
“Great people talk about ideas, ordinary people talk about things, and small people talk about wine.”
“Ambition is enthusiasm with a purpose.”
“The first step to achieving your goal, is to take a moment to respect your goal. Know what it means to you to achieve it.”
“Without ambition, one starts nothing. Without work, one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it.”
“Hard work never stops. Neither should your dreams.”
“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.”
Reading ambition quotes and thinking about the message they deliver can enhance your ambition and increase your chanced of success.
Ambitious People
Ambition, which is a strong desire, leads to action, and action leads to success. Vision, hope, positive expectations, and perseverance are the other necessary ingredients for achievement and success.
Ambitious people can reach far and high. They have motivation, strong desire, and energy that pushes them forward.
Some direct their ambition toward material success and high positions, while others aim at good relationships and love. Some people are ambitious to succeed in studying, and others set goals toward spiritual pursuits.
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