We have collected mindfulness and being mindful quotes, sayings, and advice for you here.
Do you think you are mindful in your everyday conduct? Do you focus your attention on your activities, or are you absent-minded?
No matter the state of your personal mindfulness practice, there is always room to improve it.
Browse our online courses on meditation, positive thinking, overcoming procrastination, and freedom from distractions.
You can read inspirational quotes to learn about mindfulness practice, which can give you some extra motivation.
Here, you can find quotes and advice on becoming more mindful, including quotes and advice from various people, authors, and practitioners.
Mindfulness Practice Is not Something New
- Any time you are aware of yourself, your environment, and what is happening around you, you are mindful.
- Every time you focus your attention and do not let it evade your control, you are being mindful.
- When you sit down to meditate, you are working on becoming more mindful.
- Paying attention to your work, body, and eating habits also means mindfulness.
Here is a selection of mindful quotes which I hope you will find helpful.
Being Mindful Quotes and Advice
Inspirational mindful quotes with advice for everyday life.
“Be mindful of your thoughts. Don’t repeat the same thoughts constantly, over and over. Repeating thoughts is the recipe for staying in the same place and not moving on.”
“Focus on your actions. Don’t do one thing while at the same time thinking of something else.”
“Focus is the way to save time and avoid mistakes.”
“As you become more mindful of your thoughts and your feelings, you gain a better understanding of yourself and of your habits, and this puts you in a better position to improve yourself and your life.”
“Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience.”
“Many people are alive, but don’t touch the miracle of being alive.”
“The feeling that any task is a nuisance will soon disappear if it is done in mindfulness.”
“The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little.”
“You are missing an amazing, beautiful life if you are always thinking about what people said or did.”
“When we get too caught up in the busyness of the world, we lose connection with one another – and ourselves.”
Be Mindful Quotes for Spirituality
A selection of being mindful quotes related to spirituality.
“When I’m hungry, I eat what I love. When I’m bored, I do something I love.”
“Wisdom says we are nothing. Love says we are everything. Between these two, our life flows.”
“Much of spiritual life is self-acceptance, maybe all of it.”
“In mindfulness, we find the courage to face our fears, and the wisdom to let them go.”
“When I’m lonely, I connect with someone I love. When I feel sad, I remember that I am loved.”
“In today’s rush, we all think too much–seek too much, want too much, and forget about the joy of just being.”
“Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.”
“Meditation practice isn’t about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better. It’s about befriending who we are already.”
“Mindfulness isn’t difficult, we just need to remember to do it.”
“What would it be like if I could accept life – accept this moment – exactly as it is?”
“Real life exists around you, not on the screen of your smartphone.”
“Suffering usually relates to wanting things to be different than they are.”
“The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.”
More Mindfulness Quotes to Think About and to Follow
“With meditation, you begin to relax in your seat and just watch the movie of life.”
“To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still.”
Related quotes: Mindfulness Quotes.
“Our lives are lived in intense and anxious struggle, in a swirl of speed and aggression, in competing, grasping, possessing and achieving, forever burdening ourselves with extraneous activities and preoccupations.”
“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”
“In mindfulness one is not only restful and happy, but alert and awake.”
“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.”
“The mind in its natural state can be compared to the sky, covered by layers of cloud which hide its true nature.”
“Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience.”
“Mindfulness meditation helps you tackle every little problem one by one with equanimity and presence rather than worry about 100 problems all at once and never do anything about anything.”
“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.”
“Mindfulness meditation should be more than just watching what you are doing. What you really need to watch is your motivation.”
“Meditation is the gateway to focus, mindfulness and awakening.”
Being Mindful Quotes on Living in the Present
Inspirational quotes about mindfulness, awareness and living in the present.
“Mindfulness means being awake. It means knowing what you’re doing.”
“No thought, no mind, no choice – just being silent, rooted in yourself.”
“Mindfulness requires that you live in the present moment, not in the past nor in the future.”
“The way to live in the present is to remember that ‘This too shall pass.’ When you experience joy, remembering that ‘This too shall pass’ helps you savor the here and now. When you experience pain and sorrow, remembering that ‘This too shall pass’ reminds you that grief, like joy, is only temporary.”
“our goal is not to battle with the mind, but to witness the mind.”
“When the mind is completely aware it becomes extraordinarily silent, quiet; it is not asleep, but highly awake in that silence.”
“How we pay attention to the present moment largely determines the character of our experience, and therefore, the quality of our lives.”
Related quotes: Meditation Quotes.
“When we are mindful, deeply in touch with the present moment, our understanding of what is going on deepens, and we begin to be filled with acceptance, joy, peace and love.”
“The present moment is the only time that exists. To really live, you need to be and live in the present moment, not the past, nor the future.”
Mindfulness Quotes From Buddha
There are many inspiring quotes floating around that are attributed to Buddha. He Might have really said them or he did not. We have no way to check this. However, the following are useful and inspiring ones, no matter whether Buddha actually said them or someone else did.
“You only lose what you cling to.”
“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”
“Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded.”
“Every experience, no matter how bad it seems, holds within it a blessing of some kind. The goal is to find it.”
“Be where you are, otherwise you will miss your life.”
“Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different; enjoying the pleasant without holding on when it changes (which it will); being with the unpleasant without fearing it will always be this way (which it won’t).”
“Begin at once to live, and count each separate day as a separate life.”
Quotes About Mindful Eating
“Always remember, it is the body that needs food, not your mind or you feelings.”
“Mindful eating is a way to become reacquainted with the guidance of our internal nutritionist.”
“Eat only when you feel hungry. Notice and feel your hunger. This is conscious eating.”
“Mindful eating is eating with intention while paying attention.”
“Pay attention to every bite you put in your mouth. Watch the color of the food, the smell and the sight, and focus on the taste. This is mindful eating.”
“When you eat, ask yourself, does the body need this food, does the body need this quantity of food? That’s mindful eating.”
“Mindful eating means simply eating or drinking while being aware of each bite or sip.”
“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future.”
How to Be More Mindful?
What do you need to do to improve your ability to be more mindful?
what skill is most useful for mindfulness meditation?
The ability to focus your attention on one thought or activity, without being distracted.
Mindfulness requires focus, concentration, fixing your attention at will on one thing at a time. It is a skill you can improve and strengthen. You can find guidance and exercises about focus and concentration in our book Focus Your attention.
Quotes Directory >> Being Mindful Quotes
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