Meditation quotes and sayings calm the mind and speak about the importance and benefits of meditation.
On this page, we have gathered quotes about meditation from various sources. You can use these quotes as meditation topics and guidance for calming your mind.
Reading the quotes can bring moments of calmness and peace into your mind and into your life.
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Meditation is a technique for relaxing the body, calming down the restlessness of the mind, releasing stress, and stopping worrying. It is a way to calm down the nonstop activity of the mind and experience inner peace.
Meditation can help you go deep within you so you can experience a sense of higher awareness. It is a path to spiritual awakening and enlightenment.
This practice is suitable for everyone, young and old, no matter where they live and what they do. You can live in a bustling and noisy city or in a quiet village and practice meditation.
Daily meditation is essential for getting results. It is important for the body, mind, and soul and is also a spiritual practice, leading to higher awareness.
Meditation Quotes and Phrases to Calm the Mind
Quotes about meditation to calm the mind and expand awareness.
“When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a candle in a windless place.”
“The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large.”
“To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still.”
“If the mind falls asleep, awaken it. Then if it starts wandering, make it quiet. If you reach the state where there is neither sleep nor movement of mind, stay still in that, the natural state.”
“Wisdom comes with the ability to be still. Just look and listen. No more is needed.”
“The mind is definitely something that can be transformed, and meditation is a means to transform it.”
“Watching the sunset, looking at a beautiful landscape, reading an inspiring quote, or listening to relaxing music, takes your mind and your awareness away from everyday life. This is similar to meditation, and brings a sense of calmness and bliss.”
“Meditation means emptying your mind of meaningless and stray thoughts. This requires that you learn to stop the constant chatter of your mind.”
“Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul.”
Meditation Quotes to Relax Your Mind
“Meditation is not evasion. It is a serene encounter with reality.”
“Like the practice of breath control, meditation on the forms of God, repetition of mantras, food restrictions, etc., are but aids for rendering the mind quiescent.”
“Meditation helps you relax your mind and let go of everything that is bothering you.”
“We don’t sit in meditation to become good meditators. We sit in meditation so that we’ll become more awake in our lives.”
“Meditation makes the entire nervous system go into a field of coherence.”
“Focusing on a calm thought is equivalent to practicing meditation to calm the mind.”
“Through meditation and by giving full attention to one thing at a time, we can learn to direct attention where we choose.”
“When your mind becomes calm, you begin to enjoy the taste of inner peace and freedom from restless thinking.”
“You eat every day, because your body needs food to sustain it. Your soul needs spiritual food, and meditation provides this food.”
“You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.”
“Total relaxation is the secret to enjoying sitting meditation. I sit with my spine upright, but not rigid; and I relax all the muscles in my body.”
“Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.”
6 Meditation Techniques that Will Calm Your Mind
Meditation Quotes for Inner Peace
“When your mind becomes calm and tranquil, your intuition gets sharper and your mind thinks more clearly.”
“Just as you wouldn’t leave the house without taking a shower, you shouldn’t start the day without at least 10 minutes of sacred practice: prayer, meditation, inspirational reading.”
“Plant the flower of meditation, and you will enjoy the fragrance of peace of mind.”
“Meditation helps us strip ourselves from false beliefs, futile thoughts, and negative mental programming.”
“Meditation practice isn’t about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better. It’s about befriending who we are already.”
“The more regularly and the more deeply you meditate, the sooner you will find yourself acting always from a center of inner peace.”
“The more regularly and the more deeply you meditate, the sooner you will find yourself acting always from a center of peace.
Quotes About Meditation to Calm the Mind
Quotes about spirituality, thoughts and consciousness.
“Meditation is the act of making the seeds of spirituality within you sprout and blossom.”
“Calm the winds of your thoughts, and there will be no waves on the ocean of your mind.”
“Be the witness of your thoughts. You are what observes, not what you observe.”
“You do not need to belong to a certain religion or go to an ashram or a monastery to meditate. You can meditate at any time and at any place you want.”
“A well-trained person can meditate not only in a quiet place, but also in the most noisy and crowded places.”
“Calm the winds of your thoughts, and there will be no waves on the ocean of your mind.”
“A beginner needs a quiet place to meditate. Someone with more experience can meditate everywhere and under all circumstances.”
“Meditation is important for a spiritual seeker, but it is also most important for a businessperson, a teacher, a driver, a pilot and an athlete.”
“Your day becomes a good day when you start it with a smile, meditation, and a good breakfast.”
“Meditation is the means to expand your consciousness beyond the mind, beyond the body and beyond the ego.”
“Any time is a good time to meditate, morning, noon, evening and night.”
How to Use the Quotes for Meditation and for Calming the Mind
Quotes can be used as topics for meditation. Choose a quote that you like and focus on its meaning as an exercise in meditation. Feel the calmness and expansion of consciousness when you repeat the quote and think about its meaning.
How to use quotes for meditation?
Sit down in a quiet place, choose one of the quotes below, and for a few minutes, focus your attention on it. Repeat the quote in your mind, think about its meaning, and try to feel that it is real for you.
In this way, the quotes will take you closer to inner peace, and an expanded awareness.
Meditation Quotes for Calmness and Tranquility
“Meditation is silence, energizing and fulfilling. Silent is the eloquent expression of the inexpressible.”
“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”
“Meditation is bringing the mind home.”
“Paradise is not a place, it’s a state of consciousness.”
“Your mind will wander away while you meditate. Like a monkey that jumps from one branch to another, so your mind will jump from one thought to another. As you bring your mind back every time it wanders, you will train it to stay calm and obey you.”
“On a windless day, the sea becomes quiet. Meditation is like a windless day, it calms calms down the restlessness of the mind.”
“When the mind is still, the clouds that hide happiness and peace go away, and the sun that is deep within you shines with great light.”
Meditation to Quiet the Mind Quotes
A selection of meditation quotes to quiet the mind and stay calm.
Quotes to assist you to calm your mind and make it quiet. A quiet mind means a peaceful mind. When there is peace inside, there is happiness in life.
“Striving to keep the mind calm throughout the day, no matter what is happening around me, brings joy, tranquility and poise.”
“Mindfulness practice means that we commit fully in each moment to be present.”
“In meditation, you focus your attention on one single thought, and this act keeps other thoughts away. When there are fewer thoughts, there is inner peace.”
“Meditation is not spacing-out or running away. In fact, it is being totally honest with ourselves.”
“While you are meditating, if your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the present moment.”
“Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.”
“The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness.”
“Real calmness and tranquility do not depend on circumstances. They are present deep within you, but you not unearth them.”
Meditation Quotes on Happiness
“The affairs of the world will go on forever. Do not delay the practice of meditation.”
“Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.”
“Happiness is an attitude of mind, born of the simple determination to be happy under all outward circumstances.”
“Meditation is painful in the beginning but it bestows immortal bliss and supreme joy in the end.”
“Our thinking minds deprive us of the happiness that comes when we are living fully in the moment.”
“Meditate, Visualize and Create your own reality and the universe will simply reflect back to you.”
“As the number of thoughts that run in the mind decreases, there is more happiness and joy.”
The Benefits of Quotes About Meditation
Meditation quotes that calm the mind and expand awareness are a source of deep inspiration, offering more than just words; they provide guidance for living with greater peace and understanding.
These quotes remind us that calming the mind is the first step toward accessing a richer, more expansive awareness.
Reflecting on these timeless sayings encourage us to slow down, and observe our thoughts without attachment. This process can transform our perspective, allowing us to approach life with greater clarity and a sense of inner stability, even in the face of challenges.
Moreover, these meditation sayings serve as a bridge to higher awareness, inviting us to move beyond our ordinary thinking and experience the vastness of our consciousness.
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