When a boy meets a girl, some emotions brew up. Cupid plays its part, and a few days later, they decide to go on their first date. After a long time of pondering, they decide on a perfect place to spend some quality time together.
This well-spent time will decide their fate in each other’s lives. Trust me, Cupid is as anxious as you two about this date. With Valentine’s Day around, how do you play it right to impress your crush?
As much love will play a major part, there are certain etiquette that the couple must follow to avoid getting on the wrong foot. Let’s go through them one by one so that the first date you have will be nothing but pure magic.
Etiquettes that Every Couple Should Follow
1. Do not Carry Past Baggage
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No matter what happened in the past, you have already left it behind, and there is no reason to let it ruin your present and future.
Don’t bring up your ex-s in the conversation unless you want to wreck your first date. Avoid any pitiful conversation that might make the ambiance sad.
2. Bring a Gift
However small, a gift is a gift. Bring something for your partner that says that you are looking forward to spending time with them. Something to relay that you have been thinking about them.
If you don’t have time to go to a gift store, you can order a Valentine’s gift online.
3. Keep Your Hands to Yourself
You may think it will show how much you two are into each other, but girls might take you for being a handy person and instantly repel you.
Touch her only if she wants you to; otherwise, just stay calm and let her be attracted to your personality.
4. Always Offer to Pay
And this goes both ways. There is no written rule that boys only should pay for the first date.
Girls! Come forward and pay that cheque, or if you two have a mutual understanding, split it, but don’t wait for the other person to pay for it.
5. Speak up
Being a good listener is the key to a good relationship, but don’t let the other one feel like they are talking to a wall.
Don’t try to be the strong and silent type; to the other person, you might come off as an emotionally closed-up human being.
Listen carefully, but speak up equally or enough to let the other person know who they are dating. Make it a two-way conversation.
6. DO NOT Abuse or Use the F-Word
Do not swear. This is the one not to be taught. It is a general etiquette not to swear before girls or anyone, for that matter.
Swearing makes you seem like an ill-mannered person, and you want to avoid that.
7. Do not Show Off
Whether you are a Richie rich or have created history by developing a highly liked video game, do not show off your achievements. Nobody likes a snob. You should be as subtle as possible.
8. Always Be a Gentleman
Do not go overboard with chivalry; no woman needs it today, but that doesn’t mean you should forget how to behave around women.
Keeping the door open and pulling up chairs is still considered one of the most courteous acts. Show your best table manners and win her over. Remember to be polite at all times.
9. Say no to Offensive Jokes
Sure, you want to make her laugh, but please, very wisely, steer clear of offensive jokes. Avoid any joke that may be sexist or materialistic.
Keep these pointers in mind, and go make them fall in love with you. After all, the day of love is arriving very soon.
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