Don’t we all desire to have our ‘Mr. Right’ in our lives who would make us swing on love songs?
Is having the ‘right guy’ in life seems like an unattainable dream? Is the concept of the “right guy” a dream?
All we want is to find our true love, but in this process, at times, we end up losing ourselves. As an outcome, we get into relationships that do not feel right for us at the core.
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How to identify the “right guy” from the “mistakes”? Most of the times guys give hints when he want to be in a relationship with you, but girls tend to miss them out most of the time.
To help you girls make the correct relationship choices, here are certain signs that would help you to evaluate whether he is the right guy for you.
How to Evaluate Whether He Is the Right Guy
An anxiety-free relationship
Relationships that take too much of work, are difficult and frustrating. But if you find your partner making things easy for you, making sure that he needs you in his life and puts a lot of effort to make you happy, only then he is the right guy.
A positive support and encouraging
Well, for a relationship to be healthy, both the partners must accept each other as who they are. So, if he is supportive and doesn’t make you feel lonely and frustrated, then he is your guy, if not then he isn’t.
Being a best friend
True love must be rooted to good friendship. But if he isn’t your best friend, then things become a bit formal and boring after a certain period, and you are bound to lose interest in him.
Treating you with respect
True love involves a lot of respect for each other. But if you find your partner physically, emotionally or psychologically abusing you, then he is surely not the right guy for you. You must decide about the future of the relationship because there is no place for disrespect in true love.
An Undeniable Attraction
Attraction is the most important thing that can hold a relationship together and also break it apart. Not necessarily it has to be physical all the time, but mental, emotional and psychological attractions are also necessary for a relationship to flourish.
Does he give you enough time?
You both must be inseparable from each other and be comfortable with each other in a mental and emotional, physically as well as psychologically. Even little things like taking you to the doctor’s office, visiting grocery stores with you, etc. are enough to make you attracted towards him.
Having similar goals in life
Yes, too much of similarities are boring but when it comes to goals in life, certain similarities are required to keep you attracted towards each other.
Stays away from ego clashes>
Ego is the most dangerous weapon that can tear apart a relationship. A committed and sincere guy will never bring his ego in between his relationship, but if he does then he surely isn’t the right guy for you.
Making Himself Available for You
The right guy will always be there beside you in both your happy days as well as tough times. He will be with you irrespective of the condition and the outcome.
Involving you while making any and every decision of his life
The right guy will be your partner, not a dictator. He will always take your suggestions while making a decision, no matter how big or small it is. That’s his way of showing you respect.
Seeing you happy, makes him happy
If your laughter makes his eyes twinkle with happiness, do not have a room for doubt, because he would strive hard to never steal away that smile from your face.
Treasure him, love him!
His values align with yours
When his deep values about family, spirituality, personal growth, work ethics, and so on, align with yours, in all likelihood, he is the right guy for you.
It is crucial for a healthy relationship that the both the partners are on the same wavelength with things that are most significant for both.
In the long run, it would not matter if you both chose different answers for mountains or beaches, but if he is not fundamentally compatible with you, you may need to reconsider whether your relationship would last in the future.
Your conflicts with him are short-lived and healthy.
In a long term relationship, arguments and conflicts are expected and prove that both are expressing their emotions openly, which is again a true demonstration of a healthy relationship.
Repeated arguments, prolonged conflicts, and resentment against each other act like alarm bells ringing in a relationship.
He Is Honest with You
If your partner opens up to you about his wrongdoings and his feelings, you know he trusts you with his life and cannot afford to lose you.
But if your partner feels the necessity to hide a lot from you, he would eventually become unhappy or unsatisfied with the relationship.
Also, if the need arises for you to hide petty matters from him, this is also a red flag in a healthy relationship.
When partners feel secure to cry in front of each other without being embarrassed, they have undoubtedly developed a strong bond.
His extent of commitment to the relationship is the same as yours!
When a guy is convinced about the girl he wants to spend the rest of his life with, he would be ready to commit seriously to the relationship and plan long-term goals with her.
Maybe, he borrows some time for engagement or marital ties but he would let his girl know about his feelings.
If he still seems to be drawn towards the bachelor lifestyle, and fears commitment, you are investing time on the wrong person.
One thing to always keep in mind is that your gut instincts about your partner matters the most; rest everything is useless.
It all ends up to the choices we make in life which hugely determines the future of our relationships. So, when you make a decision about the man you would want to spend your life with, make a conscious decision.
No relationship is perfect but if you both are striving for a happy and satisfied existence with each other, you know that you need to fit your fingers with his as firmly as possible for the rest of your life.
Image source – DepositPhotos