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Living in Pure Awareness

Living in Pure Awareness

“Pure awareness is the clear sky beyond the clouds of mental chatter.”

What does pure awareness mean? It means being aware and conscious of your being and the world without thinking, analyzing, or running thoughts in your mind. It is a state of peace, tranquility, and expanded awareness.

Humanity has always been searching for the meaning of life and for enlightenment and freedom. There are people who read study, listen to lectures, travel far, and seek teachers to help them find inner peace and Self-Realization.

This has been going on throughout the ages, but how many seekers have found what they sought?

The answer to this quest is inside you, in experiencing pure awareness. You do not have to look for it somewhere else. It is like looking for your eyeglasses while you are actually wearing them.

What Is Pure Awareness and What Are the Benefits

Pure awareness, often described as a state of being fully present and non-judgmentally aware of the moment, offers profound benefits that extend beyond the immediate experience.

When one cultivates pure awareness, the mind becomes a clear mirror, reflecting reality without the distortions of preconceived notions, biases, or emotional turbulence.

This heightened clarity can lead to deeper self-understanding, as it allows you to observe your thoughts, feelings, and behavior from a neutral standpoint. As a result, you can recognize patterns, both positive and negative, that often go unnoticed in the busyness of daily life.

Over time, this awareness awakens greater emotional resilience as you learn to respond to situations with equanimity rather than reacting impulsively.

Moreover, pure awareness enriches one’s experience of life by deepening connections with the world around them. When fully present, even the simplest moments take on a new richness and depth, whether it’s savoring a meal, listening to a loved one, or walking in nature.

This presence enhances mindfulness, which has been shown to reduce stress, improve mental health, and increase overall well-being.

By practicing pure awareness, you cultivate a sense of inner peace and contentment as you become less entangled in the past or future and more attuned to the beauty and fullness of the present moment.

Constant Thinking Hides Pure Awareness

Thoughts cover the experience of pure awareness. A thought enters our mind, and then another one replaces it. It is a speedy process that we are hardly aware of. This is the habit of the mind to think constantly and rush from one thought to another.

What’s the remedy? Meditation and improving your concentration skills. This will help you become more aware of your thoughts and their coming and going.

As you gain more control of your thoughts, fewer thoughts would pass through your mind per minute. Under these conditions, you become aware of intervals between thoughts. This might be just a second or a split second of calmness. At this time, there are no thoughts in the mind, just silence and pure awareness.

In this state, there is consciousness, and you are aware of everything around you, but there are no thoughts. This is pure awareness. This is living in the present moment.

We often experience briefly something close to this interval of calmness, of being without thoughts, upon waking from sleep and a moment before falling asleep.

We are usually dimly conscious of it, as we are not trained to discern it. If you pay attention to these moments of consciousness without thoughts, in time, you will become more and more aware of them.

At the time before falling asleep and losing consciousness, the number of thoughts drops down, and you experience inner peace.

The same happens immediately upon waking up, before becoming conscious of the body, feelings, thoughts, and ego. This is a time of non-identification with anything. We just exist, not as this or that, but only as pure existence, pure awareness.

This awareness, without thoughts, also emerges when watching a beautiful sunset or painting.

You might sometimes experience pure awareness when you are engrossed in some absorbing activity and forget everything else briefly. When in this state, worries and problems disappear, and you enjoy a sense of inner peace.

Living in Pure Awareness

You say, “I walk”, “I talk”, “I eat”, “I work”, “I think”, “I feel”, etc. Drop the verbs “walk”, “talk”, “eat”, “work”, “think”, “feel”, and what remains? Just the “I”, just a sense of “Being”.

It is possible just to BE, to be “Aware” without identifying with anything, without being busy with thoughts, and without labeling yourself. This is Pure Awareness. It is your and everyone’s natural state of existence.

In deep sleep, we are not conscious of anything in particular, and there are no thoughts, feelings, worries, or desires. There is nothing, yet we exist. It seems like a state of nothingness, but it is more a state of “clean awareness”.

Upon awakening, we remember experiencing “nothingness” and a sort of “emptiness”. Since we remember experiencing a state of “nothingness”, there was no total unconsciousness.

These experiences give you an idea of what it is to experience the feeling of “Being”, of Pure Awareness, of being without thoughts.

Do you enjoy deep sleep without dreams? It is a relaxing and enjoyable sleep without ordinary consciousness, thoughts, worries, and anxieties. You can experience this state even while fully conscious and active, but this requires inner work, concentration, and meditation.

Your nonstop thinking is why you are unaware of this Pure Awareness. Controlling your thoughts and calming down the mind allow this Awareness to emerge.

You can develop the ability to be aware and feel this state of Pure Awareness. You can live in it when you stop identifying with your thoughts and getting absorbed in them. For this, you need a certain degree of concentration and emotional detachment.

These are lucid, real experiences for those who live in them. The way to these experiences is open to everyone. All you need to do is open your eyes and mind, become aware of your thoughts, and learn to keep your mind calm and not agitated.

Additional Resources about Pure Awareness

This is a short article about this topic. Browse the website and you will find more information. You can also find information, guidance and exercises in our books:

Focus your Attention

Calm Down the Nonstop Chatter of Your Mind

Emotional Detachment for Happier life

Inner peace in the Busy Daily life