Personal Growth Techniques

Why Personal Growth Techniques Do not Always Work, and When They Do

Sometimes, after reading about the results of personal growth techniques, people start enthusiastically repeating affirmations, visualizing and using various inner growth techniques. They expect immediate results and might get them if they aim at minor changes in their life. Gaining immediate results can make you feel happy and satisfied. However, …

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Books, Videos and Audios

The Success Industry – Books, Videos and Audios

The “Success Industry” refers to a multi-billion-dollar self-help and personal development sector that includes books, audios, videos, seminars, workshops, coaching programs, and various products and services aimed at helping people achieve their personal and professional goals. The success industry has turned into a huge machine, creating a growing number of …

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Visualizing and Meditating

Visualizing and Meditating Without Words

People often ask me questions about meditation and visualization. One common question is, “How to visualize or meditate without words?” Here is a question someone has asked me a few days ago, which is a typical question: “How can I meditate or visualize without words? My meditations, visualization, etc., are …

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